Creekwatch Community Day
at Fairfield Waters 23 October, 2011

Celebrating National Water Week
October 16 - 22, 2011


Hiya, I'm Helen Manski from Conservation Volunteers. I am the Project Officer for Creekwatch and we're here today at Fairfield Waters at the Creekwatch Community Day to celebrate National Water Week. We've had a great day so far lots of entertainment, doing water quality demonstrations, we've had all the water birds and macroinvertebrates out. Lots of native plants and showing our aquatic weeds as well. So its been a real good fun day celebrating National Water Week just to make sure we are keeping our creeks healthy.

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Conservation Volunteers Australia
National Water Week



Helen Manski

Creekwatch Project Officer

Suite 1, 65 Palmer Street Townsville QLD 4810

mob: 0447 565 101

tel: 07 4721 4077

fax: 07 4772 3077

Conservation Volunteers Australia

Karen Vidler

Regional Manager

Suite 1, 65 Palmer Street Townsville QLD 4810

tel: 07 4721 4077

fax: 07 4772 3077


Townsville CVA Summer Discovery Program

2011 - 2012