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A combined Townsville Council, State Government, Commonwealth and community based initiative to maintain and enhance our waterways in the coastal dry tropics. |
Increasing Community Engagement in Townsville Coastal Catchments for Biodiversity Project |
Project Chronology |
2 December 2011 |
Coastal Dune Management Training and Information Workshop |
9 November 2011 |
Common Interest working group meeting (greater Town Common area) |
2 November 2011 |
Closing date for RfQ Q6461 |
November 2011 |
Website updates Request for Quotation (RfQ) processing of responses including Recommendation Report Ongoing discussions with community groups to finalise proposals Raising Purchase Orders (PO) for successful projects Notification of successful projects and PO numbers Distribution of funding agreements Ongoing discussions with community groups and NGOs about project variations/amendments and actions required Site visits and project planning Planning scheme mapping for urban areas commenced |
22 October 2011 |
Creekwatch Community Day at Fairfield Waters (CVA and Creek to Coral) |
22 October 2011 |
Traditional Owner Town Common Information Day and Tour (QPWS) |
18 October 2011 |
Distribution date for RfQ Q6461 |
12 October 2011 |
Common Interest working group meeting |
12 October 2011 |
Closing date for RfQ Q6429 |
October 2011 |
Website updates Request for Quotation (RfQ) distribution and processing of responses including Recommendation Reports Ongoing discussions with community groups to finalise proposals Raising Purchase Orders (PO) for successful projects Notification of successful projects and PO numbers Ongoing discussions with NGOs about project variations and amendments required to progress proposals |
29 September 2011 |
Invite non- RfQ applicants to submit formal proposals |
29 September 2011 |
Distribution date for RfQ Q6429 |
25 September 2011 |
Oak Valley weed workshop (NQDT) |
17 & 18 September 2011 |
Magnetic Island Bioblitz was held on Saturday 17 and Sunday 18 September |
14 September 2011 |
Closing date for RfQ Q6403 |
1 September 2011 |
Distribution date for RfQ Q6403 |
September 2011 |
Develop website pages for sub projects Request for Quotation (RfQ) distribution and processing of responses including Recommendation Reports Ongoing discussions with community groups to finalise proposals Meetings and discussions with NGOs about project variations and amendments required to progress proposals |
31 August 2011 |
Closing date for RfQ Q6385 |
23 August 2011 |
Distribution date for RfQ Q6385 |
17 August 2011 |
Town Common (Common Interest) working group meeting |
August 2011 |
Ongoing meetings and discussions with community groups to prepare proposals Assist community groups with proposal work plans Collation of project proposals Preparation of EOI and proposal assessment report Project working group meeting to review EOIs and proposals and allocate funding Advise project proponents of funding assessment results Negotiate project variations with proponents Prepare Request for Quotation paperwork for selected projects Commence Request for Quotation (RfQ) distribution |
31 July 2011 |
End of NGOs/key stakeholders proposal submission period |
21 July 2011 |
Meeting with TCC planning staff to discuss the mapping products developed through the CfoC project and potential input pathways for the new TCC planning scheme |
July 2011 |
Mapping and GIS work continued including tenures and project sites Project prioritisation criteria and process defined Receipt, collation, review and clarification of project proposals Meetings, site visits and discussions with community group EOI submitters and other interested parties about preparation of proposals |
28-29 June 2011 |
Northern Beaches weed survey by Greening Australia (Greg Calvert) and TCC |
28 June 2011 |
Post workshop notes distributed and key stakeholders invited to submit 'formal' project proposals |
22 June 2011 |
Creek to Coral CfoC Project Key Stakeholders Workshop |
21 June 2011 |
Common Interest (greater Town Common) working group meeting |
9 June 2011 |
CfoC project presentation at In Safe Hands Conservation Volunteers Australia (CVA) community training workshop |
4 and 5 June 2011 |
Eco Fiesta and Smart Lifestyles Expo at Queens Gardens (11am to 4pm) with CfoC project representation at the TCC exhibit |
4 June 2011 |
World Ocean Day Festival on Magnetic Island with CfoC project representation |
June 2011 |
Mapping and GIS work continued including updated priority habitat map with BTF potential habitat Website preparations Ongoing communications with EOI submitters on process and progress |
31 May 2011 |
CfoC 2011/12 applications submitted including extension of the Coastal Communities Project and BTF and other endangered species habitat mapping |
May 2011 |
Mapping and GIS work continued including review of Black Throated Finch (BTF) potential habitat Meetings and discussions with community groups and Non Government Organisations (NGOs) about EOIs and potential projects Invite Expressions of Interest (6 May 2011) Collation of EOIs Preparations for World Ocean Day Festival on Magnetic Island and Eco Fiesta and Smart Lifestyles Expo at Queens Gardens Planning and coordination meetings with NQDT |
8 April 2011 |
Coordination meeting with NQDT |
April 2011 |
Initial discussions with Traditional Owners (TOs) about TO involvement and consultation Develop project information products Preparations for community invitation to submit Expressions of Interest (EOI) Mapping and GIS work continued with TCC internal support and Aurecon |
March 2011 |
Mapping and GIS work continued with TCC internal support Continue discussions with NQ Dry Tropics (NQDT) about project implementation and integration Additional discussions about TCC grants process suitability |
February 2011 |
Preliminary discussions with NQ Dry Tropics (NQDT) about project implementation and integration with NQDT programs and projects Project alignment with Townsville City Council (TCC) grants process and local government procurement requirements Integration of CfoC project elements with NDRRA actions and systems Commence accessing TCC GIS datasets for the project Secure SEWPC approval to expend funds on Yasi cleanup of natural coastal areas |
3 February 2011 |
Cyclone Yasi |
January 2011 |
Preliminary project management arrangements and preparation of a draft Monitoring, Evaluation, Reporting and Improvement (MERI) plan as per SEWPC guidelines |
November 2010 to January 2011 |
Project actions and funding agreement discussions and negotiations with the Australian Government Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Communities and Population (SEWPC) |
25 October 2010 |
Successful CfoC projects announced |
March - April 2010 |
Caring for our Country 2010/11 Business Plan open call application preparation and submission |