welcome to the Town Common learnscape
geology & climate change: the only certainty is
The Townsville Town
Common and the wetlands are part of a landscape sculpture created by
climate change, wind, water, waves, weathering and erosion.
The main visible player in this landscape formation story is climate
change. Climate change impact is much easier to see over geological
time than within human generations.
Climate change is part of the carbon energy cycle powered by the sun
and influenced by natural forces, geologic and geographic features,
living organisms and, more recently, by the industrial revolution.
‘Natural’ climate change forces were creating the events and changing
the face of the planet before there were enough people on the planet to
influence global climatic patterns.
If we went on a time trip and looked at recent geological time the
starting point would be around 120,000 years ago. A brief history of
landscape changes to the greater Town Common is provided below.
~120,000 years ago
The (Pleistocene) shoreline was three to six kilometres inland of its
current location and backed by low, broad foredunes with tidal flats to
seaward. At this time Many Peaks Range was an island and Castle Hill
was partly surrounded by water. At that time the Town Common would have
been really, really wet i.e. underwater.
~20,000 years ago
At the peak of the last ice age the sea level was 100m to 160m lower
than it is today. The coastline was 40 to 50 kilometres east of the
present coast. Magnetic Island would have been an isolated mountain
range on a broad coastal plain. At that time the Town Common was
really, really dry.
~6,000 years ago
Around this time the sea level rose to about its present level. This
happened over a period of about 14,000 years as the ice age ‘thawed
out’. At this time the shoreline was around two to three kilometres
further west than the current shoreline. The Town Common could have
been wet and dry depending on tidal influences.
Over the last 6,000 years there has been a gradual build up of sand
ridges between Castle Hill and Many Peaks Range to form the current
coastline. The Burdekin River has provided the bulk of the sand and
sediment with long-shore currents moving the material northwards.
Sometime between then and now the features of the Town Common were
formed by the action of waves, tides, wind and water flow from the
Louise Creek, Mundy Creek and surrounding catchments.
Reference: Trezise, D.L., and Stephenson, P.J.
1990, Rocks and
Landscapes of the Townsville District, Department of Resource
Industries, Queensland. |