Rowes Bay Wetlands

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welcome to the Town Common learnscape

Location: where on earth is the Town Common?

Townsville Town Common is located in north east Australia...

in the northern part of the State of Queensland...

a few kilometres south east of Magnetic Island...

...and adjacent to the Townsville suburb of Palleranda.
Rowes Bay Wetlands

Vehicle and bike access to the Town Common is situated  halfway between Rowes Bay and Pallarenda

The Townsville Town Common surrounds the Townsville suburb of Pallarenda and was once part of a continuous system of wetlands, sand dunes and coastal flats that stretched from Kissing Point to Pallarenda and across to the Bohle River including the Rowes Bay Wetlands.

The Town Common is a short drive from Townsville’s CBD and a pleasant bike ride away along the Rowes Bay to Pallarenda foreshore walking and cycling pathway.