A combined Townsville Council, State Government, Commonweath and community base initiative to maintain and enhance
our healthy waterways in the coastal dry tropics.

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Theme 2: On Ground Action & Infrastructure

What is Stormwater?

Stormwater is pure rainwater plus anything the rain carries along with it.
In urban areas stormwater is generated by rain runoff from roof, roads, driveways, footpaths and other impervious or hard surfaces.
In Australia the stormwater system is separate from the sewer system. Unlike sewage, stormwater is generally not treated before being discharged to waterways and the sea.
Urban stormwater is often carrying a cocktail of pollutants such as litter, decaying organic matter, domestic animal droppings, motor oil, pesticides and other toxic substances. Poorly managed stormwater can cause thus problems on and offsite through erosion and the transportation of nutrients, chemical pollutants and sediments to waterways.

On Ground action & infrastructure is the core part of Creek to Coral, where on-ground action is taken to improve water quality in waterways, including infrastructure upgrading and modernisation.

On ground actions include:


Healthy urban water, including wastewater and stormwater, is critical to ensure healthy waterways. Creek to Coral is infrastructure-based, and hence focuses on water infrastructure such as stormwater and sewage. Main partners for infrastructure management are Citiwater, Citiworks and Thuringowa Water.

Urban Water Management components of C2C include:

Upgrading of sewage treatment plants.


Under the 1997 Environmental Protection (Water) Policy (EPP (Water), all local governments with an urban stormwater system are required to develop and implement a Urban Stormwater Quality Management Plan or USQMP. The plans must aim at improving the quality of stormwater consistently with the water quality objectives.
Both Townsville and Thuringowa City Council are developing USQMPs and implementing priority actions to address issues associated with stormwater management.

 In Townsville the Plan focuses on priority sites and assesses available water quality data to set water quality objectives for the pollution management of catchments and waterways. The USQMP includes the development of site-specific environmental management plans as well as integrated catchment management plans, and includes community involvement and education. Upgrading and managing GPTs are also a priority in both Townsville and Thuringowa.

For more information on the implementation of USQMP within Townsville and Thuringowa regions please click here and visit TCC’s State of Environment Report (SOE)

Creek to Coral USQMP Initiatives

Creek to Coral is coordinating the following USQMP initiatives for Townsville and Thuringowa catchments.

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