Element 3: On Ground Infrastructure
In the urban context on-ground infrastructure for water quality improvement includes the voluntary and regulated introduction of stormwater quality improvement measures to filter out pollutants before they reach receiving waters. Where possible this is done using natural elements e.g. soil and vegetation, to replace impervious surfaces that disrupt natural hydrological processes. This is part of a treatment train approach to total water cycle management whereby the most appropriate stormwater quality improvement measures are designed to suit a particular situation including; new development, infill development, transport corridors and other public infrastructure, and retrofits in existing urban areas.
The objective of the treatment train approach is firstly to reduce or treat the pollutants at the source and then work down the catchment i.e. along the treatment train, as appropriate using a variety of measures including; gross pollutant traps, sediment basins, buffer strips, swale drains, bioretention systems (including rain-gardens) and constructed wetlands. Where possible these elements should be integrated with open space including parkland and natural areas.
The on-ground infrastructure component of the Townsville WQIP focused on investigating urban stormwater quality management options and preparing Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) technical guidelines and associated products. These products are now being tested in the Townsville environment to ensure that the most effective measures are being designed and properly constructed. This is particularly important to reduce the ongoing maintenance requirements so that there is not an undue burden on Council/community resources.
For more information on the Townsville WSUD products click here.Final Products:
- WSUD design objectives;
- WSUD ‘Roadmap’
- WSUD factsheets;
- WSUD technical design guidelines;